MHSOBA is the guardian of the ethos of Melbourne High School, providing lifelong connections with the school and encouraging involvement of its members for life.
MHSOBA prides itself on supporting the Melbourne High School community along with current and tertiary students in their pursuit of excellence.
Our programs include:
- Annual Student Vocational Seminar Series
Old Boys are invited to share their study and career journeys with current students across medicine, law, engineering, commerce and creative arts. These Seminars provide “real world” access to varied professions, pathways and industry trends in an informal setting. - MHS Annual Careers Evening
MHSOBA provides expert Old Boys to speak across myriad disciplines to current to students and parents at this MHS flagship careers event. - Annual Scholarship Program
Designed for current students and Old Boys completing tertiary studies, we award some $20,000 in Scholarships each year. MHSOBA appreciates the generous support of Old Boys and their families in sponsoring this important program. Visit our Scholarships page for details. - Year 10 Junior Leadership Program
Delivered by the GM&B to Year 10 MHS and Mac.Rob students annually, this program continues to grow each year. - VCE Exam Preparation Master Class Series
Developed in consultation with MHS staff, this Series is delivered online by recent MHS graduates who share study strategies and approaches in support of current VCE students. - Financial assistance for students in need
Student Members of MHSOBA (SM30) receive:
- MHSOBA Membership until their 30th birthday
- Membership card
- Lapel badge
- E-newsletters from MHSOBA
- Broadcast email updates
- Member-only fees to Reunions, Annual Dinner and networking events
- Member-only fees for hire of The Unicorn Club
- Complimentary access to MHSOBA Business Directory
- Access to The Kelvin Club, Melbourne Place – valued at $800 p.a.
For more information please visit our Membership page.
At Melbourne High we shall forever Honour the Work for our boys. The MHSOBA acknowledges the continual support needed by our past students in order for them to achieve greatness. Being titled as an Old Boy, the association maintains connections with past students to ensure they maintain the ethos of this school regardless of their endeavours. For our Old boys we organise:
Reunions: Held 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50 years out of school, these gatherings are special occasions where students reunite with their former classmates and reminisce about their wonderful time at the castle on the hill.
The Annual Dinner: Once a year the MHSOBA host the grand Annual Dinner. This formal occasion is one of the major highlights of the year as we dine among friends and celebrate the ethos of Melbourne High School. Each year we choose an outstanding guest speaking that will make the night truly remarkable.
Winemakers dinners: At these quarterly dinners, we pair a terrific Melbourne Winemaker with a Melbourne restaurant to create a wonderful night of food, wine and entertainment. Every dinner is unique as is open to everyone.
Furthermore, the MHSOBA assists Old Boys in their careers whether it is through networks, finances, or general support. For more information please contact the MHSOBA office.
In the true nature of the Melbourne High Spirit, the MHSOBA unites the school community, welcoming all parents, teachers and friends to attend our events. We organise many marvellous events that enable the parents and friends to socialize with amazing new people, see the work the MHSOBA do and celebrate the achievements of our beloved school. Such events that appeal you may include:
For more information visit our events page or be part of our mailing list by emailing the MHSOBA office.
Founded in 1907, our primary aim has always been the welfare of the school. Each year we grant scholarships and award academic and general prizes for successful students.
We are also instrumental in raising funds to assist the school on various building projects and help give current students the best possible education.
At every opportunity the Association does what it can to uphold the school’s tradition and status in the community. To view the rules of the MHSOBA please click on the PDF to read or download.
- Organising events where current and former students can re-connect.
- Support connections and provide introductions to other distinguished MHSOBA members through its database.
- Reunions to reacquaint yourselves with former classmates, teachers and the school.
- Providing support services to the school and its students – ticketing, mentor programs, student seminars, etc.
- Supporting former students beyond school through scholarships and grants.
- Communicate to the wider MHS community achievements and activities of the school and association.
- Supporting its Affiliate Clubs
The Annual Dinner: Once a year the MHSOBA hosts its night of nights, the Annual Dinner. This formal occasion is one of the major highlights of the year as we dine among friends and celebrate the ethos of Melbourne High School. Each year we choose an outstanding guest speaking that makes the night truly remarkable.
Winemakers dinners: At these dinners, we pair a terrific Melbourne winemaker with a Melbourne restaurant to create a wonderful night of food, wine and entertainment. Every dinner is unique as is open to everyone.

Melbourne High School Old Boys’ Association, MHSOBA, was founded in 1907, comprising a football club and an athletics team. In May 1909, the organisation was formally established. During 1921, both a Glee Club and Drama Club were formed.
The Association’s primary aim has always been the welfare of the school. It also provided sporting and social programs.
In 1954, the Melbourne High School Lodge was consecrated. The Fitness and Recreation Club was established in 1960 and 1970 saw the formation of he Old Boys’ Association Swimming Club.
The Association has given great financial support to the school in many ways. The Old Boys raised money to build the Memorial Hall, the Memorial Sport Pavilion and the Peace Memorial Rowing Pavilion at Princes Bridge. Large sums of money have been raised towards the cost of the physical education centre, the library, the forestry school, the cafeteria, the hockey field and the maintenance of the Woodfull-Miller oval. The Association has purchased paintings, commissioned murals, donated musical instruments and other equipment.
Each year it grants scholarships and awards academic and general prizes for successful students.
At every opportunity, the Association does what it can to uphold the school’s tradition and status in the community.
The sustained loyalty of MHSOBA has exerted an influence unprecedented in the State school system. In fact, no other high school in Victoria has stimulated such a degree of interest and support among former pupils and teachers.

Members of the Committee are elected annually at the AGM. Usually held in May, Committee Members for 2024/ 2025 are:

Colin Axup (MHS 1984)
In 1991, Colin was commissioned into the Australian Army Reserves and in 1994, he was appointed Commanding Officer of the Melbourne High School Cadet Unit. He held this position for 17 years until his resignation at the end of 2010. In 2001, Colin joined the newly formed national headquarters of the Australian Army Cadets and served for the next 10 years culminating in his appointment as Deputy Commander of the Australian Army Cadets from 2007 to 2010 in the rank of Colonel (AAC).
In 2011, Colin was appointed to Williamstown High School as Assistant Principal and in 2013 he was appointed Principal of Stawell Secondary College in the Grampians region of Victoria. In 2013, Colin completed a Master of School Leadership at the University of Melbourne. Then in 2015, Colin was appointed Principal of Suzanne Cory High School which is located in the western Melbourne suburb of Werribee. The school is one of Victoria’s four select entry high schools.
Colin commenced in the position President of the Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals (VASSP) in March 2021.

Warren Fall (MHS 1975)
Vice-President, Chair - Membership Sub-Committee

Ted Goldstein (MHS 1966)
Treasurer, Chair - Finance Sub-Committee

Peter Douros (MHS 1984)
Chair - Scholarships Sub-Committee

Peter Stathopoulos (MHS 1982)
Chair - Community Engagement Sub-Committee

Bowan Hafey (MHS 2017)
Chair - Student Engagement Sub-Committee
If you would like to join the MHSOBA Committee or one of its Sub-Committees, please contact Colin Axup at president1@mhsoba.asn.au