In this issue we bring you updates from MHSOB Football Club, the MHS Foundation and the GM&B Patrons’ Club.
In response to government mandates, you will see MHSOBA events have been postponed indefinitely. This includes Reunions, our Annual Dinner and Annual Golf Day. All will be reviewed when we reach “the other side” of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Regrettably the MHS Foundation “Giving Day” has also been postponed. Should you wish to pledge a donation, you can still do so via www.mhsfoundation.org.au As ever, your support is greatly appreciated.
On a happier note, we recognise and warmly congratulate those Old Boys who received Australia Day Honours this year. We also give a “shout out” to Brett Sutton (MHS Class of 1986) for his ongoing work with Victorian and Federal Governments in managing COVID-19. Brett currently holds the position of Victoria’s Chief Health Officer.
We’re pleased to note our online Business Directory will soon be launched. Available to Old Boys and the wider MHS community, the Directory will feature business and individual listings across a myriad of professions. It will enable Old Boys to connect, engage and do business like never before. More on this in coming weeks
Finally, a reminder the MHSOBA office is closed until further notice. As a result, processing of new memberships may be delayed. We appreciate your patience under the circumstances.
If you would like to submit an article for the next edition, please get in touch with Luca Gonano (MHS Exit 2003): digital@mhsoba.asn.au
Please click on the link below to download the latest edition of the MHSOBA Newsletter.
March 2020 MHSOBA Newsletter