The 2022 MHSOBA Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 2 May at 6:30pm at The Unicorn Club. The Notice of Meeting can be viewed here.
Members wishing to attend the Meeting are required RSVP to administrator@mhsoba.asn.au by 5:00pm on Friday 29 April 2022.
Nominations of candidates for election to the Committee must be returned to the MHSOBA office by 5.00pm on Monday 18 April 2022. Download a Nomination form here.
Members wishing to table matters to be added to the agenda must submit these in writing to administrator@mhsoba.asn.au by 5:00pm Thursday 28 April 2022.
Members may appoint another member as a proxy for the meeting. Forms for the appointment of a proxy must be returned to the MHSOBA office by 5.00pm on Thursday 28 April 2022. Download a Proxy form here.
Please email completed Nomination and / or Proxy forms to secretary@mhsoba.asn.au
Honour The Work