Podcast 4. Charles Macek (Class of 1964): Director of two ASX companies and Chairman, Earthwatch Institute
In the fourth of our six-episode podcast series we present a conversation with Charles Macek.
After a thirty-year executive career in financial services, Charles has been a non-executive director and a consultant/adviser for the last twenty years.
Associated with significant companies such as Telstra and Wesfarmers, he has been a director of the Richmond Football Club and chairman of not-for-profits such as Earthwatch Institute and the Centre for Eye Research Australia. Charles also chaired the Financial Reporting Council when it made the decision to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards as the basis of accounting in Australia.
In this episode we discuss:
- Memories from Year 12 exams
- Various ‘tipping points’ you encounter in life that can have a big impact on the rest of your life
- How Melbourne High presents you with a wide range of opportunities, and how we should make the most of of everything we could try to do outside of the classroom
- What drink NOT to order in a job interview
- Career highlights, including being a part of Australia’s largest ever IPO and Australia’s biggest private takeover
- The definition of “success”
- Leaving a legacy
If you have questions or comments at any time, please direct them to podcast@mhsoba.asn.au