Podcast 6. Wayne Chow (Class of 1994):  Dental Specialist & Former Australian Army Officer – following an unconventional career path

In the final interview of our six-episode podcast series we present a conversation with Wayne Chow.

Wayne completed his undergraduate dental training in 1999 and joined the Australian Regular Army where he served as a specialist service officer domestically and overseas. He progressed as a clinical specialist and took up various health and governance roles and became Head of Corps, Royal Australian Army Dental Corps.

Wayne completed over 15 years in the military before returning to Melbourne with his family. He is now working in a busy private specialist practice and holds consultant appointments at various public hospitals, including The Royal Dental Hospital Melbourne and Monash Medical Centre. Wayne is actively involved with the GM&B and is the convener of the Junior Leadership Program for MHS and The MacRobertson Girls High School.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • High School memories, especially walking past 4 Yarra Street
  • The importance of finding good Mentors
  • How mentors have helped Wayne at every point of his journey: picking what university course to study; when and how to make big career moves; how to turn weaknesses into strengths; and ideas for future career and personal growth
  • Following a non-traditional path into a traditional profession
  • Developing a broad range of skills, rather than getting stuck in a narrow area of specialisation
  • The importance of taking a helicopter view of the whole forest (metaphorically) rather than just looking at the trees
  • Volunteering with the Old Boys, specifically with the Junior Leadership Program run by the Green, Maroon & Black Patrons’ Club (GM&B)

If you have questions or comments at any time, please direct them to podcast@mhsoba.asn.au